Toly Digital Networks

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective: June 21, 2024


Toly Digital Networks, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Toly Digital Networks”) are committed to protecting the privacy rights of all individuals. We respect these rights when collecting and processing personal information (“PI”). This Privacy Policy outlines our privacy values and guides our handling of PI. By purchasing, subscribing to, or using our products and services, or participating in events sponsored or attended by Toly Digital Networks, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies to Toly Digital Networks and its personnel. It is available on our website at These obligations are additional to any other applicable policies or agreements with Toly Digital Networks and relevant laws and regulations.

General Statement

Toly Digital Networks is dedicated to using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and related technologies to enhance the telecommunications industry and improve lives worldwide. Our goal is to provide carrier-grade communications services at reasonable prices and to extend the benefits of VoIP as broadly as possible. To achieve this, a Privacy Policy is essential.


Privacy matters to Toly Digital Networks. This global policy applies to all Toly Digital Networks locations and to all formats of PI, including computerized records and paper-based files. It governs the collection, maintenance, and processing of PI by Toly Digital Networks and guides our selection of partners, agents, and contractors who handle PI.

Toly Digital Networks provides technology platforms for hosted or “cloud” unified communications as a service (UCaaS). We process PI controlled by other companies, such as our clients or business partners, and PI for our own business purposes, complying with relevant privacy laws.

Data Processor

Toly Digital Networks acts as a data processor for indirect end-user PI, following the instructions of the data controller (our clients). We do not own or control the use of any PI processed for our clients or subscribers. We only process PI to provide and invoice for purchased or subscribed products and services.

What Information We Collect or Process

We process and sometimes collect PI as needed to deliver our products and services. When collecting PI, we do so lawfully and reasonably. The types of information and purposes for which we collect or process PI include:

Toly Digital/VoIPiTalk Android and iOS also use Gravatar, only when enabled via Settings and UIConfigs. Gravatar is a service that provides avatar images linked to the MD5 hash of the user’s email address. This means that, only when Gravatar use is enabled, we hash each contact’s email address and send it to Gravatar to try and retrieve an avatar image. MD5 hashes cannot be directly or indirectly attributed to any person or persons, and we only send the MD5 hash to Gravatar, never the email address in plain text. As with phone contacts, users can revoke Gravatar access at any time in Settings or via UIConfig, without affecting their app experience.


Toly Digital Networks uses PI for relevant and customary purposes, not sharing it beyond what is described here. Examples of PI we may process include:

Anonymized, Non-Identifying Data

We may use anonymized data from our products and services to enhance features like voice activation and traffic analysis, supporting our legitimate interests in improving these offerings.


Our websites use cookies to collect PI about users. For more details on how we use cookies and user choices, see the relevant section.

How We Collect Information

We collect information directly when you use our products and services, and passively via cookies and similar technologies. We also use third-party payment processors for billing.

How We Use Information

We primarily use your information to provide our products and services, including account creation, technical support, fraud prevention, updates, and promotional offers.

Sharing Your Information

We may disclose PI as required by law, for fraud protection, or with your consent. Third parties performing services on our behalf, like payment processors, must protect and limit their use of your PI.

Security of Your Information

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information. However, no transmission or storage method is 100% secure. We strive to protect your PI but cannot guarantee absolute security.

Transfer of Data

Your PI may be transferred to and processed in different jurisdictions with varying data protection laws. By using our services, you agree to such transfers.

Retention of Data

We retain PI for as long as necessary for the purposes it was collected, to provide services, enforce agreements, and comply with legal obligations.

Access and Update Your Information

Individuals can access and update their PI, subject to certain limitations. If you have a user profile, you can revise your PI through your account. For other PI, contact us at

Third-Party Websites

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party sites or services linked from our websites. Review their privacy policies separately.

HIPAA Compliance

Our products and services are not designed to comply with HIPAA requirements unless explicitly stated. Clients are responsible for ensuring HIPAA compliance when using our products.

California Privacy Rights

California residents can request details on PI disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes and request the removal of publicly posted information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy as needed. Changes are effective upon posting. Continuing to use our services indicates your acceptance of the updated policy.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, email or write to us at:

Toly Digital Networks, Inc.
1005 W Indiantown Rd, Suite 201,
Jupiter, FL 33458